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Virtual tour of Derzhavin Tambov State University 

1. TSU Main Building  
2. Academic Building 4  
- Institute of Economics, Management and Service
- Faculty of Culture and Arts
- TSU Educational Theater 
- TSU Fundamental Library
- Fitness Center "Atletico - South"
3. Hostel 4
4. Academic Building N°1
- Medical Institute
5. Academic Building N°2
- Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology
- Institute of Natural Sciences
- Technopark "Derzhavinskiy"
- University Specialized Training Classes
- TSU Admission Committee  
6. Academic Building N°6
- Institute of Law and National Security
- Institute of Military Education
7. Hostel No 1
8. Medical Center "Doctor PROFI"
9. Sports Palace "Antey"  
10. TSU Stadium 
11. Fitness Center "Atletico"
12. Sports and Fitness Complex
13. TSU Museum of Sport  
14. Hostel N°2
- TSU Publishing House
15. Research Institute "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials"
16. Academic Building N°9
- Pedagogical Institute
- TSU Museum and Exhibition Complex  
17.Academic Building N°5
- Faculty of Philology and Journalism
- Faculty of History, World Politics and Sociology
18. Hostel No. 3
19. TSU Zoo
20. Hostels  5-6
21. TSU Simulation and Accreditation Center
22. Hall for Sports Games
23. Rehabilitation and Recreation Center "Parallel"
24. Recreation Center "Galdym"
25. Governor’s house in Tambov during the management of G.R. Derzhavin